Monday, May 11, 2009


It's been a long week for me at work as well as busy with my nieces graduation coming up. I am a bit bummed that when I hit the scale this morning, it didn't move. BUT, I guess no movement is better than gaining! I am pretty much over all this rain, it really puts a kink in my walking and outdoor activities.

Friday night I got a huge ego boost from my friends that I haven't seen since the surgery. It was great to hear how well I am doing, and how good they think I look. As good as it feels when the scale moves, it even better when others notice the difference as well!

Food wise, I am still doing the 1 cup per meal and two 1/2 cup snacks. I find that it is hard when I am away from home, or we are out. I am seriously going to pack my meals to bring with me when I visit family. Routine is very important for me!!!!

Hopefully next Monday I will have a loss to report!

30 lbs to date!


  1. You are doing great! Keep up the good work. The scale stood still for me last week to for like 6 days, it drove me crazy. But once I read (on support site) what you guys were saying about not cutting back your calorie intake to much, I ate another 200 calories yesturday and did my regular workout. Tada today I lost again. So keep your head up. I belive in you!!!!

  2. Great Job! for me I just need to get my butt moving and get off the
