Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Dining out!

Today is Admin Appreciation day so I took my assistant out to lunch. Now they are all aware of my surgery, but still it was an odd experience. There were about 8 of us, and we headed out to a buffet. Now I used to go to buffets all the time, but this is the first time out after surgery and I was a bit scared. When we got there I noticed that all the meat products were fried, so they were out instantly! I did find that they had chili, so I had about 1/4 cup of that, a very tiny salad, a sliced beet and about 1/4 cup cottage cheese. All in all I ate my usual 1 cup of food. I did feel a slight embarrassment when everyone else had finished their salad and were going up for more, but did a quick internal dialog letting myself off the hook.

It turned out to be a good experience for me and let me know that I can do this!!